Abundant + Aligned
Welcome to the Abundant + Aligned podcast. We welcome women who are ready to live the life of their dreams. Here, we talk all things mindset, manifestation and entrepreneurship. We are on a mission to create abundance in all areas of life and playing small just isn't our jam! So if you are ready to expand your mind to the possibilities, turn off autopilot and live with intention, you are in the right place! We are abundant and aligned.
Abundant + Aligned
175 // The only reason you fell short of your goals this year and how to fix it for 2025 (it has nothing to do with hard work)
The way to get everything you want in life!! And the best part is, you don't need to rely on anyone else or wait any longer to get it 🤯
This episode will reveal exactly why you fell short of your goals or didn't manifest that thing (income, clients, relationship, opportunity) - and exactly what you need to change for 2025 to be different.
Journal prompts mentioned:
✨ What patterns did you see unfold in 2024? What outcomes did you experience?
✨ What thoughts and beliefs do/did you have towards this area?
✨ What expectations and assumptions did you place on the thing you wanted?
This episode will explain these in more detail.
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Welcome to the Abundant and Aligned podcast, where we welcome women who are ready to live the life of their dreams. So if that's you, I'm so glad you're here. I'm Jess, your host and your new bestie, here to remind you to dream big, live with intention and believe that actually, yes, you can. Here we talk all things mindset and personal development. We are on a mission to create abundance in all areas of our life, and playing small just isn't our jam. So if you're ready to expand your mind to the possibilities, turn off autopilot and start showing up with intention. Buckle up for the ride. We are Abundant and Aligned.
Speaker 2:Hello guys and welcome back to the podcast and welcome to one of our final episodes for 2024. This one was not planned but after doing my reflection exercise for you guys, I realized I want to add this journal prompt in Hopefully you guys can hear me over the rain, classic Gold Coast. It is pouring down with rain. Ironically, I've just got back from Canberra, which is usually the coldest place in the world and it was 35 degrees and sunny every single day. And I've just got back from Canberra, which is usually the coldest place in the world and it was 35 degrees and sunny every single day. And I've come back to what is supposed to be beautiful, sunny Queensland, and it is pouring with rain and our house is literally dark. So, quite frankly, guys, I'm pretty over it. If you are also in Queensland, I'm sure you're feeling this. Where are the summer vibes? We are ready for long beach days getting crisp in the sun, drinking cold drinks, not feeling like we want to be snuggled up on the couch watching movies. But anyways, like I said, this episode is a little bit of an impromptu episode, but I did realize I didn't add this into the last reflection exercise and this is probably one of the most important prompts that I want you guys to consider as we wrap up 2024 and head into 2025.
Speaker 2:And this one is particularly for those who have worked their little bums off this year and feel like you aren't seeing the results that you would like to see. Maybe you're working super hard in your business and you're still not making the money you would like to be making. Maybe you are doing all of the things to attract clients in and yet you still aren't working with your dream clients. Maybe you are just hustling and grinding and you're like when is the momentum going to build? This is for those who I know have worked really hard this year and I see you and I know that that is you. I've been there before. I know the frustration when you're showing up. You're consistent, you're disciplined, you're doing everything on social media, everything on TikTok, you're pumping out podcast episodes, you're showing up for your audience. You're working really hard and yet you don't have the results that you would have liked to have had by now. Again, I know the frustration and this episode is really going to help you understand why that keeps happening for you.
Speaker 2:Now, what I want you to imagine right now is you looking in the mirror and what you see in your reflection is not something that you like. We know that if we want to change our reflection, we don't start scratching at the mirror at our reflection. We simply go and change ourselves to change our reflection. So maybe you're looking in the mirror and you don't like the way that you have done your makeup. You don't start trying to fix your makeup by rubbing at the mirror. You go back into the bathroom and you fix up your makeup so that when you look in the mirror you see something different.
Speaker 2:The change we want to see in our life is exactly the same. If we want to see change unfold in the outer world, we must first change ourselves. And if you are getting to the end of your year and you worked really hard this year and you aren't making the income you would like, you aren't working with the clients you would like, you don't have the relationship you'd like, you didn't get the promotion. You aren't making the income you would like. You aren't working with the clients you would like, you don't have the relationship you'd like, you didn't get the promotion. You aren't living the reality that you keep dreaming about. It's because you need to change yourself, and this prompt is a little bit of a wake-up call, a little bit of a slap on the face, but this awareness is power, and my one wish to you is for you to understand truly how powerful you are and that all of the change you're waiting around for dreaming about is entirely within your control. But it will only happen not by working harder, not by waiting another year, but by you changing yourself, your thoughts, your feelings, your beliefs, your expectations, your actions. You, you are the one that is in the driver's seat, influencing and creating it all. And if we want something different again, it's not going to come down to working harder, waiting longer. It's going to come down to you putting in the work that's required to upgrade you.
Speaker 2:Okay, so this journal prompt that I want you to do, firstly, is to consider any patterns that you have seen this year and write them down. So maybe it is your income fluctuating. Maybe one month you have a $3,000 month, and then you have a $7,000 month, and then you have a $2,000 month, and then you have a $2,000 month, and then you have a $9,000 month, and it keeps going up and down and no matter what you do and no matter how hard you work, you can't crack that 10K month, and not only crack it, but stay up there and have that be your minimum. Or maybe you are having all of these conversations with potential clients and they feel like they are going really well and heading in the right direction and then suddenly they come to a stop because they turn around and say they actually can't afford to buy your coaching program or buy your products or work with you in one way or another. Or maybe you have clients in your world and they're flaky, they're not the discipline driven clients or consultants that you would like to be working with. Maybe out of business, you keep meeting guys on a dating app and it all feels great at the start and then they end up just being the biggest douchebags ever and it leads nowhere except for you being sad and alone in your apartment again. Maybe at work, you keep busting your ass for that promotion or that bonus and just as you get so close, something happens for you to not achieve the bonus or not get the promotion.
Speaker 2:I want you to consider the patterns that have unfolded for you this year and I have no doubt these patterns have been recurring for many years and just jot them all down. They're just some examples, but obviously it needs to be applicable to you and the patterns that you have actually been seeing in your life. Once you have done that, I want you to stop blaming anything else other than yourself, and I say that with so much love. You guys know that, but you are the reason those patterns have been the way they are in your life. You're the reason your income keeps going up and down. You're the reason you aren't making more than 10k months. You're the reason you keep meeting douchebags. You're the reason you haven't got that promotion. Nobody else is to blame other than you. So this next part of the exercise is to identify what is happening within your inner state that keeps creating these patterns.
Speaker 2:So what we want to look for is when you really peel back the layers and take away the mask. What thoughts do you really have when it comes to money, your business relationships, the guys in your local area, your boss, your potential at work, your industry, social media what thoughts are you really having? And then I want you to turn to what expectation or assumptions have you been making? So again, let's use the example for clients. Maybe you would love your dream clients to randomly send you a DM on Instagram and say they would love to join your $10,000 mastermind, and they pay in full and it's all easy and amazing. But really deep down, the assumption you're putting on your clients is that they can't afford your mastermind, they aren't ready to invest, they don't see the value in investing in a mastermind like yours and they're just not really at the level. Yet what assumptions or expectations have you been having or placing on the thing you're saying you want to change?
Speaker 2:I also want you to consider what beliefs you still have around that area of your life. So again, if it's money, what beliefs do you really have around money? Are you still carrying around that voice inside of you that money doesn't grow on trees and it's hard to come by and you have to work really, really hard for it? Are you still carrying around that belief that the dream life really is too good to be true? What beliefs around the area that you want to change do you still? And you a way to really understand that is sit with this for a while but think about what it was like for you growing up when it comes to that particular area, because that's when your beliefs were created right, especially your subconscious beliefs. Between the ages of zero to seven, your subconscious mind was being programmed based on everything you got told, everything you observed, everything you experienced and you took it in as your truth. So unless you've done work to upgrade that subconscious program, unless you are a graduate of the academy or her empire or the wealthy woman, or you haven't done any other work to upgrade that subconscious program, whether you like it or not, you're still carrying around those subconscious beliefs and remember they are subconscious to you, which means they're not at the forefront of your mind.
Speaker 2:You may think you're healed. You may think you believe that your financial reality is unlimited. You may think you believe that you're worthy of the success that you're saying. You may think you believe that you're going to walk into the coffee shop tomorrow and meet the man of your dreams. You may think next year is the year you're going to get that promotion.
Speaker 2:But just underneath the surface, subconsciously, is beliefs completely contradicting all of that Limiting, unworthy, not good enough. That's what's really happening underneath the surface, and so that's why the work that we do in my world is so, so, so important. You cannot outwork your subconscious program. Honestly. You could be the hardest worker in your industry, the hardest worker in the room. You could be so driven and determined and consistent and you're doing all of the things like you're checking off all the boxes.
Speaker 2:But if you have a subconscious program that is limiting or is is designed to create a life different to the one you're saying you want, that is going to continue to prevail and you can't outwork that program. I promise you. I promise you. It's why you're still in this place, it's why the hard work hasn't got you to the life that you want, because hard work alone is not going to create the change that you want. It's you that's going to create the change that you want upgrading those beliefs, upgrading that subconscious program and this is not something you can consciously do. Again, we've got to get deep and peel back those layers, and there's different modalities and techniques that we have to follow in order to do that. Again, you learn all of that in my world, but it's not a matter of just waking up tomorrow and going. You know what I'm going to think better. I'm going to think more empowering. I'm going to remember that podcast episode Jess said and really be, you know, believing differently. That's just conscious work and it's not going to work. You really need to get in and get into that subconscious mind and change them subconsciously. So we will get to that. If you plan on joining me inside the academy or her empire, the wealthy woman does some stuff around the money mindset side of things. But back to this episode.
Speaker 2:What we really want to be highlighting is what pattern did we see unfold this year patterns, plural and go into any area that you like and what in you created those patterns? What beliefs did you still have? What thoughts did you still have? What emotions were you still feeling? What expectations and assumptions did you have? That ultimately created that reflection Because, again, it's all started with you. You've just got a mirror up in front of you and it's being reflected back. And when we take a look at your patterns and we take a look at the thoughts and the feelings and the emotions that you've really been having sorry, the thoughts, emotions and beliefs that you've really been having there will be a correlation. It's not a coincidence. There is always a correlation.
Speaker 2:And instead of just starting your new year with the intention to work harder and post more on social media and send more messages and do anything more, instead of doing that and pretending that that's going to fix our life and remove the struggle. We must take a look at what change needs to happen within you and remove the struggle. We must take a look at what change needs to happen within you and on your page. You're probably going to realize things. That's not very nice and how limiting your software still is, but you have the power to change that. And again, my one wish to you is for you to truly understand how powerful you really are and that you are never stuck.
Speaker 2:The struggle doesn't have to persist. You are your program. You can change the program, just like we can upgrade our iPhone. Whenever we get those software updates, we literally just say update and it happens. The iPhone doesn't question the process. It doesn't say you have to wait another two years before the update will be complete, it just updates. You have the same ability when it comes to your mind. Neuroplasticity allows you to upgrade your mind, change your mind, and that doesn't have to take years and years and years. It does take the right modalities and consistency, which I'll help you with.
Speaker 2:But you don't have to go another year struggling. You don't have to go another year experiencing the patterns that this exercise is going to unfold. The power lies within you, and 2025 can be your year where everything comes together. Those income months that you're dreaming about, that have put on a pedestal, will be your minimum. They will be a slow month for you. Those clients that you see working with other people will be obsessed with you and your work. Those incentive trips that are being advertised right now in your network marketing industry you will be on holidaying with your partner or your family, like everything you desire will be your reality in 2025, but it's this work that will collapse the time and collapse that separation.
Speaker 2:So, if you need to go back and just listen to those journal prompts and jot them down actually, I'll put them in the show notes below so you can really sit with these journal prompts and identify what needs to shift within you in order to shift what's happening in your external. Again, it's all a mirror reflection back to you and your inner state, and you're smart enough, you're intelligent enough. You're intelligent enough, you're driven enough to realize now that what you've been doing isn't working. This is what will work. Trust me on this.
Speaker 2:Trust me on this because I've been where you are. I have grinded and worked my ass off with not much to show, and it's because I was working from a program that wouldn't create the life I wanted. The moment I did this work, everything shifted. I had my quantum leap and just yesterday I was going through all my client messages and I realized that this year has been a year of their quantum leap. So 2025 gets to be that for you, but this is the work that counts. Have fun with this exercise and let me know on Instagram how you go Cheering for you. Always, let's do this.