Abundant + Aligned
Welcome to the Abundant + Aligned podcast. We welcome women who are ready to live the life of their dreams. Here, we talk all things mindset, manifestation and entrepreneurship. We are on a mission to create abundance in all areas of life and playing small just isn't our jam! So if you are ready to expand your mind to the possibilities, turn off autopilot and live with intention, you are in the right place! We are abundant and aligned.
Abundant + Aligned
I'm back!! 🥂 The technique for setting goals that will *actually* manifest in 2025 and the energetic shift that will change everything
Season 5 is here!! This episode is all about setting the vibe for an incredible 2025. It's set to be your most successful year yet, the year of your quantum leap - if you stick with me every week 🤎🤎
Here’s the truth: everything you want already exists—you now need to allow it in.
In this episode, I’m sharing a technique to set your goals in a way that will actually manifest into what you want, and how to make a subtle (but powerful) energetic shift that will turn things around almost instantly.
Here’s what I’m covering:
- Kicking off the new season with some reflections from my Christmas break (SO many new ideas and downloads!!)
- The secret to setting goals that will actually manifest into what you want.
- How to change your energy from creating your dream life to allowing it.
- Why fear isn’t the enemy—it’s a sign you’re growing.
- A little sneak peek into what’s coming up—programs, events and a new podcast series.
- A big announcement: I’m launching the Seven Figure Diaries series, and I cannot wait to share it with you!
Let’s step into this year with ease, flow, and a whole lot of success—because your dream life? It’s closer than you think. 💫
Download the 'I Am' Morning Affirmations track here.
See the full schedule for Q1 and Q2 here - including free events, programs and immersion.
Enrol in The Academy here and secure your spot in 2025 cohort before spots fill up.
🔥 Enrol in The Academy - 4 month mentorship for women in business wanting to grow to $10K or $20K months
✨ Follow me on Instagram for daily mindset tips and lots of BTS content of my life (building a 7 figure business, living by the beach, my daily routines and travels)
👉🏻 Browse the free resources - meditations, manifestation tracks and more
🎓 See what's currently open for enrolment here or browse courses available on demand here
Welcome to the Abundant and Aligned podcast, a place where you will come to realize anything you desire is possible.
Speaker 1:I'm Jess mindset and business coach, and I'm on a mission to lead women to a life far from average. In this show, you can expect conversations around manifestation, subconscious reprogramming, entrepreneurship and the daily habits of a woman living a life that is both successful and fun. Imagine a TED talk, but over wine. My wish for you is that you experience an unlimited flow of money, a business that attracts your dream clients and the freedom to spend your time how you choose, and if you stick with me, that will soon be your reality. I'm honored to be on the journey with you, so let's get into it. Hello, everyone, and welcome back to the Abundant and Aligned podcast. Happy new year and welcome to season five of this show. Season five, no. Season four of this show 2021, two, three, four, five Yep, okay, no, wait, that is season five. Oh, my God. Season five of the Abundant and Aligned podcast. What a vibe. Well, if you're here, and if you have been here since day one, then I love you and I appreciate you and thank you for being here for so long, if you found me somewhere along that journey, or if you're brand new, welcome and equally as grateful and appreciative of you. I'm so excited to dive into another season of the Abundant and Aligned podcast and, oh my God, I just have so much to share with you guys.
Speaker 1:Over the Christmas break, I took about two weeks off and I completely switched off. I was off social media, I wasn't working and I really gave myself some space to create new ideas. Welcome new ideas, allow the nudges, and the amount of insights and new ideas I had during that Christmas break is it makes me so, so excited. So if you are ready to absolutely explode your business in 2025, step into the most successful version of yourself, without hustling, without working hard, you know, being this woman that has the money and the clients, but also so much freedom and self-care and the beautiful relationships, then you are in the right place. And something that also came with those insights over the Christmas break was, I guess I've been holding back a little bit with everybody in terms of what I really have to offer and the conversations I want to be having, and that is really around the energetics of business and the creation of our life, and I know we do, you know we we talk about manifestation a lot on this podcast and the energetics a lot, but, like we are really really really being honest with ourselves this season in terms of how powerful we really are and that literally everything happening in our life right now the good stuff and the bad stuff is being created by us. What I'm really excited to do, though, is take the energetics and the manifestation conversations and really apply them specifically to business. So how to attract your dream clients, increase your income, you know, eliminating sales objections, having people find you and buy from you in a much shorter time, really just building your empire and really using energetics and manifestation to do that. So I'm so excited for that, and just to go deeper with that and really just be your go-to coach and podcast to learn how to manipulate your entire reality, your business, your life, everything, every single area. So welcome, welcome, welcome. I'm so, so, so excited that you're here.
Speaker 1:I guess today's episode is just a hello intro, a little bit of a new year pep talk, and then I was just going to run you through some things that are coming up in my world over the next couple of months what to expect from me in 2025, whether you're itching to get into one of my programs, work with me or you're keen to lean on my free resources. This episode will spill the beans on all of that Before we get to the housekeeping. I do just want to start off with a bit of a new year pep talk. I love the new year. It's seriously such an exciting time because we come back with this energy of I can literally do anything I want and I have all these incredible goals, and 2025 is going to be different, and so I'm so sure, given it is only the 15th of January, that you're still feeling very pumped and very ready and very committed to your goals.
Speaker 1:Maybe you have created your vision board. You have set your goals personal, business goals. You've really set the foundations for what you want your year to look like and, with that being said, what I want you to really sit with and realize your life, or the dream life that you want to create this year, is therefore already created. The moment you set the intention, the moment you thought about the possibility whether it is an income goal or where you want to travel, or where you want to take your business collaborations you want to call in where you want to live, where you want to take your business, collaborations you want to call in where you want to live.
Speaker 1:The moment you had that thought and then put it in the form of a goal. It was created and, energetically, that reality exists and is just as real as the one you are living right now. The only difference is you are experiencing this reality through your five senses because it's the one that you keep choosing and allowing every single day. So find excitement in that you don't have to create your dream life. You now have to allow it to drop in. Sit with that, and I might even say that again, you don't have to create your dream life. You have already done that the moment you had the thought, set the intention. Now your job is to allow it in, be open to receive it. Let it literally drop in so that you can experience it with your five senses. But, like I mentioned, it's existing just as much as your current reality. They are the exact same in terms of the fact they are both energetic frequencies the exact same, energetically the exact same. So it's available, it's yours and you don't have to keep waiting around for it. You don't have to go another year wanting it, desiring it for it. You don't have to go another year, wanting it, desiring it, being desperate for it.
Speaker 1:This year is about allowing it to drop in and actually being open to receive it, because you have probably set these goals before right. This is not the first time you've set that income goal in your business. This is not the first time you have declared that you are going to travel first class to Europe this year. This is not the first time that you have said you'd buy that dream, are going to travel first class to Europe this year. This is not the first time that you have said you'd buy that dream home. This is not the first time that you've set your goals. You've done these. You've set these goals before. You've been here before.
Speaker 1:The only reason why it's still a goal and not your reality is because of what I just said. You keep choosing this life, the current life, and not the desired life, dream life. You also remain in an energy of waiting around for it as opposed to having it. And, of course, this show is all about helping you energetically align with the life that you want so that it can drop in, because that's how we turn energy into matter by being that vibrational match for it law of attraction, law of assumption, all of the universal laws. But when you focus on something, it becomes a possibility. And now to turn it into something you can experience through your five senses, you need to choose it, allow it be the vibrational match for it. So the dream life's already been created. Tick that off your list. You have done it, congratulations.
Speaker 1:Now your job is to wake up every single day and feel like it's already here, feel like it is already happening, just like you do with the reality you have right now. You're not waiting around for this reality. You're not sitting there dreaming about the day that you have what you have right now. You feel so different about what you have right now, and so that is the state that we want to be in when it comes to the desired life that we want, or the desired life that has already been created, but we just want to start to call it in. So remember that when you wake up tomorrow morning, choose the dream life, not the current life. Make every single thought aligned with that life, not this life. Make every single feeling aligned with already having that life and not this life. Take the actions she would take. Make the decisions she would make. Literally, be the version now who has the things that you want, and miracles will start to happen in your life. Synchronicities will be normal for you. These aren't coincidences. This is literally you manipulating your reality, which we all have the ability to do. This is literally you manipulating your reality, which we all have the ability to do.
Speaker 1:It's not a matter of oh, I'm good at manifesting and they're not, or how come you can manifest and I can't. Like we all manifest. We are all energetic beings. No one is more, you know, energetic than the next Like. We are all energetic beings. We are all the same and therefore we all have the exact same power to manifest the life that we want. The only difference between those who are and those who aren't getting what they want is just because they keep focusing on the wrong things and calling in the things that they don't want instead of the things that they do want. But you're still manifesting it, you're still calling it in, you're still creating it. That process is still the same, whether you're getting what you want or what you don't want. So you are a powerful manifester already. You already have everything inside you right now to create whatever life you want. The only thing that needs to change is choosing it, thinking and feeling in alignment with it, and like, yeah, sure I might be simplifying that, but like, let's actually start just simplifying the process of creating the life that you want. Turning energy into matter doesn't have to be this hard thing that you have to research for years and years and years. Change your thoughts, change your feelings, you change your energy, you change what you attract in. Okay, cool.
Speaker 1:So, with that being said, I do just want to um make a note, and you may even need to go back and audit the goals that you did set for 2025 just to ensure that it does align with this method. Remember that your goals need to be really, really specific and clear. Vague goals will manifest into vague results, and I always give this example If you set the goal this year to make more money in your business, it's very likely that you will walk down the street tomorrow and find a two dollar coin. Technically, you just manifested more money, but obviously you want to be manifesting ten thousand dollars per month, twenty thousand dollars per month, not a two dollar coin on the dirty pathway tomorrow. So you need to be specific in terms of what you want to call in and the science behind that is this your subconscious mind will create whatever it is that you accept and you are programmed to create, but it doesn't understand negative, like it doesn't understand negative statements.
Speaker 1:So, if I was to say, don't think of a purple elephant, don't think of a purple elephant, don't think of a purple elephant. What comes to mind is a purple elephant. The subconscious, or that part of your brain, doesn't pick up on the negative, which is that don't. The subconscious or that part of your brain doesn't pick up on the negative, which is that don't, can't. It only picks up on the whatever it is, the purple elephant, the subject, the thing. And so if you have set the goal to make more money, like I mentioned, you will manifest more money if that's the goal you've set and you're expecting it to drop in, but it might not necessarily be the 10K, so clear instructions are really necessary.
Speaker 1:Another goal you may have set is to leave your nine to five, and maybe you have wrote that in a way of by December 2025, I will no longer be working in my nine to five. All the subconscious is hearing is nine to five, nine to five, nine to five, nine to five, and so you manifest situations that will keep you in the nine to five, which will equal slow progress in your business, not making enough money to leave, because all the subconscious is hearing is nine to five, nine to five, so it will keep you there. So, being really specific about what you want and not what you don't want, because what you don't want will end up being what you get, if that's what you're focusing on. So the way that you write these goals is really really important specific, clear and written in a positive manner. I am, insert, I am making 10,000 gross per month, I am full-time in my business, I am a six-figure mindset coach, whatever it is that you are wanting to do. So remember that, as you're setting your goals and you may even want to go back and revisit them.
Speaker 1:With your goals, I then recommend turning them into affirmations that you can then read out every single morning and before you go to bed, and again ensuring they are written in that positive manner so that the subconscious can actually pick up on what you want. I have a morning affirmations track that I've linked in the show notes that, if you have not downloaded yet, go and download and make it a part of your day. The first six minutes. Turn it on and just listen to that. If you want to experience more success in your business, make more money, attract ideal clients, attract opportunities, have and live a more luxurious bougie life, then that affirmations track is for you. But it's really important that it's in the first six minutes of the day. But I'm going to do another podcast episode entirely about my morning routine, so make sure you tune into that.
Speaker 1:And what I want to just wrap this pep talk up by saying is stop waiting around and instead choose it and, just like I mentioned at the start, like that, energetically is a huge, huge difference. And literally the only reason you didn't achieve those goals last year is because you kept waiting around for them. You were sitting in the anticipation of having them as opposed to having them. Also, don't wait around for the fear to settle. So if you have established that in order to be someone who would attract the clients and the money and the business growth that you want, you need to work with the mentor or hire that assistant, or book the photo shoot or book more travel so that you can get the content whatever, don't wait around for the fear to settle to do that. The fear is not going anywhere? I promise Not yet anyway, because fear indicates that you're about to create change, and we want to create change. So if you weren't feeling the fear, it means that you're not creating change.
Speaker 1:So welcome the fear in 2025 and get excited that you are starting to feel that fear, because it does. It means you're about to step into a level that you've never lived before. You're about to be someone you've never been before, and that's a good thing. So don't wait around for it to settle. Move in spite of discomfort, in spite of fear, and in a couple of episodes, you'll learn how to regulate your nervous system. And if you maintain those practices, you'll move, and it will be uncomfortable and it'll be scary, but it won't stay scary and uncomfortable and, before you know it, it will feel as comfy as the life you have right now.
Speaker 1:So 2024 version of you will not achieve your goals. It's important that you become someone different this year and, like I mentioned, the goals that you have this year are probably the same goals you set last year. Different this year and, like I mentioned, the goals that you have this year are probably the same goals you set last year. But you must be someone different this year. Otherwise, 2024 will be on repeat, which we don't want. But, of course, I have lots of episodes coming your way to ensure that you are someone different this year, to achieve something different.
Speaker 1:Now, to wrap this up, I thought I would just give you a little bit of a rundown in terms of what's coming up in my world, how you can work with me, best place to plug in and, yeah, finding your seat in on the table. Um, so I have had a few DMS from you wondering where or when or if the new year bootcamp is happening this year. So you guys would be very familiar with that new year event that I do, where I help you set goals and manifest them in, and it's always a crowd favorite. I am doing that, but it will be after the wedding, so it will be the week of 25 February. I'm going to get some information up about that, hopefully this week, and you guys can start securing your spot. It's also called something different, so I will be announcing all of the details for that free event, but it's no longer called the New Year Bootcamp. It has a new name, a new vibe, a new branding and, yeah, new content. You know similar vibes, obviously helping you set new year goals and and call them in. But, like I said, the breakthroughs that I had over christmas are going to just take this work to a whole different level. So, yes, the free event is coming back. It'll be after the wedding, so it'll be week of 25 February. You'll be able to secure your spot soon. You'll want to be there, I promise.
Speaker 1:Actually, I am also thinking about doing an in-person element as well. So can you please let me know over on Instagram if you would be interested in that. There will be a small cost involved just to cover the venue and some champagne and things like that. But I have the idea of doing like a new year soiree and having that kick off the week leading into the online new year event. So if you are local to the Gold Coast or you can get here the end of February and you would love to be part of that new year soiree and just celebrate the start of a new year together, sip champagne be expanded by conversations Let me know in the DMs if you would be interested in that and then I will put some more thought into doing that in-person event. But there will definitely also be the online element as well. So that's the new year event coming your way end of February.
Speaker 1:Enrolling at the moment is the Academy. Now, if you are serious about achieving your 2025 goals, you want to be inside the Academy because remember, you've set these goals before. This is not new territory for you. The only reason you didn't achieve them last year was because you weren't the version who would be able to attract them in. You worked hard enough. You were doing all the right things. The only difference or the only thing that stopped it all was you, and so working harder this year isn't going to upgrade that subconscious program. Posting more on social media isn't going to shift you energetically so that you're actually a match for the clients and the money that that social media post is trying to attract in.
Speaker 1:Committing to working longer days and just doing more in your business, I promise is not going to create the upgrade within you that needs to happen in order for you to call the clients and the money and the business success in this year. And you know that because that's what you did last year, 2024, you set these goals and you worked hard and you put yourself out there more online and you went to the networking events and you started the podcast and you launched that new program and you spoke more about your products. You did all of that. You were doing all of the action last year. Like I know, you worked really hard in 2024.
Speaker 1:So 2025 requires you to now be someone different. Keep up the work ethic, stay disciplined, stay committed, keep being that driven woman that you are. But now let's do it from the energy that's required in order for you to actually have the things that you want in your life, and that's what the Academy is for you. The Academy literally will upgrade every single part of you remove money blocks, get rid of the stories that are stuck within you energetically, that are under the surface, still making you believe like you aren't good enough or people don't really care about what you have to say, or the very reason why people aren't obsessed with your program and buying your product. Every single day. We deal with that. We remove it and we literally upgrade every single part of you. Then you become magnetic to the clients. 10k months are normalized and the business that you want manifests.
Speaker 1:So the Academy is enrolling right now and we start in March, and the perks of getting in now is you get an extra month or you get a longer payment plan. In now is you get an extra month or you get a longer payment plan. So if you want to enroll for a smaller monthly fee, then the sooner the better. You also get access to the portal and there are some workshops in there that you can start to work through and get a bit of a head start before we actually start live together in March. So the Academy is a live mentorship. Therefore, the spots are limited so that I can ensure that I give my all to everybody that's in there. Like I said, because this work is quite unique to you in terms of the stories you have, the beliefs you have, the programming you have, it's really important to me that I can have conversations with you so that we can actually work through that together. So the spots are limited for the Academy, but it's where you want to be if you're serious about change in 2025.
Speaker 1:And remember what I said at the start of this episode don't wait for the fear to settle. If investing in the academy is triggering a little bit of anxiety within you or you're questioning if you can do it, or spending the money on something like that is kind of feeling a little bit uncomfortable. That is the exact reason why the academy is for you, because it means it's about to create change. I was just having a conversation with someone who just enrolled in her empire and I said I was like I actually love to hear that this is starting to feel uncomfortable for you making this investment. I love to hear that you're about to self-sabotage this because it means this investment is going to change your life. If you're investing in courses that feel comfortable, if you're investing or grabbing the free master classes and that's all you're doing, that's not creating that bodily reaction and the bodily reaction is an indication that you're about to change your life. So fear is good, discomfort is good, and it won't stay the moment you actually invest in the academy. It will probably disappear the moment you hit that pay button. And what's also cool is the moment you hit that pay button.
Speaker 1:Now you've made a decision, which means that your energetic frequency instantly rises, and the amount of clients that come to me and say, after I enrolled in the academy, I made a sale or I had a client randomly in my DMS inquiring about my program, or you know, this opportunity has come out of nowhere, like that happens all the time and it's because you made the decision and now your vibrational frequency has just increased to meet those things, to be a match for the clients and the money and the business opportunities that were lurking around as a possibility anyway, but you just weren't energetically aligned to them. But the moment you made that decision and got into the academy, it raised and now you're a match for it all. So that's another perk of getting in earlier you can start to manifest things. They can start to drop in, because your frequency will change Leap and the universe will catch. You is my favorite quote, and that's what will happen once you are in. Of course, if you have questions about the academy, just send me a DM. Otherwise, the website super detailed in terms of that.
Speaker 1:At the time of recording this episode. We're currently in onboarding week for Her Empire, which is really exciting. That is my business mastermind for women in business ready to grow to 10K, 20k months and have this business support a luxurious lifestyle, build businesses that also allow so much time freedom, whether that's taking their business entirely online or creating better systems. And yeah, I'm really excited to get started with them all and spend the next six months with them. So, to those in her empire. Congratulations, I'm so excited to be alongside you as you create these incredible businesses. Okay, I think that is it.
Speaker 1:I've talked about the new year event. Oh, the podcast. So I am obviously doing these weekly episodes, like we always do, but I'm also bringing back. A well, not bringing back, I'm introducing a new series and it's going to be called the seven figure diaries and what I'm doing is literally documenting my thoughts in the form of, like an audio diary entry in terms of what I'm doing to grow my business to seven figures. And the vibe of this, which I do explain in the first episode, is me just picking up the microphone and just recording, um, not really introducing the episode, not having any notes, and just like talking out loud, thinking out loud with you guys, just so that you can be in my head as I'm navigating, growing a business to seven figures, and it's going to be really honest. So some of the episodes will be really inspiring. Other episodes will be me dealing with the head noise and going back and forth between yep seven figures is happening this year, and then doubting the head noise and going back and forth between yep, seven figures is happening this year, and then doubting the whole thing and just kind of what I'm doing to navigate that, how I'm talking myself out of the sabotage, obviously, the techniques I'm following and, yeah, literally everything I'm doing to build to seven figures. So I'm excited for that series and it will continue right up until the seven figure mark. So hopefully you guys love that form of podcast. So there's that, but I think that's like everything in terms of what's happening in this space Personally.
Speaker 1:We are less than four weeks out from the wedding, which is crazy. We are in the thick of it. Everything is mostly organized. Um, it's just all the finer details now, like the seating charts you know where are they sitting, what are their dietary requirements, um, doing the menus, the name, placement cards, the seating chart. I picked up my dress on friday, so that's in getting altered this week. So going and trying that on. Um, the girls are buying their shoes, so it's like the funner part of the wedding I guess, like really just getting to crunch time and um, yeah, it's just starting to feel very, very real. So I'm excited to.
Speaker 1:I'm actually going to bring Bart onto the podcast after the wedding and we're going to do a debrief together. He's been dying to get on the podcast, so we'll get him on and we'll just talk about the wedding, the day debrief, on it together. Um, and then, of course, like I can give you guys some tips. If you are a um soon to be bride, if you're planning your wedding, I can give you all the tips and all the recommendations and what worked and didn't work and what I would do again, what I wouldn't do again and, um, yeah, hopefully that episode will help you.
Speaker 1:So, um, that's kind of my focus at the moment is obviously just showing up for you guys in the business, but just lots and lots and lots of wedding stuff.
Speaker 1:Um, so I'm so excited for the day, um, and, yeah, you know, watch this space lots of content to come your way so you can be like you're a part of the day.
Speaker 1:Um, okay, cool, I'm going to leave it there.
Speaker 1:I'm so excited for your year, I'm so excited for 2025 to be your quantum leap and I hope you feel that, I hope you can feel that bubbling up, um, and yeah, just make sure you're here tuning in every single week to ensure that you're ticking off all of the boxes in terms of what's actually required to have a quantum leap and live out every single picture on that vision board.
Speaker 1:So I will talk to you guys then. I'm so excited for another year with you all and I love you and appreciate you and see you next week. Thank you so much for tuning into the podcast. I'm sure you're loving each and every episode and, if you are, I would be so grateful if you could take just a couple of minutes to leave your review and or rating. This allows me to connect with you as I read your comment or see the review, and it also allows me to grow the show, which means more impact, more powerful guests for you guys to learn from and more women changing their life for the better. If this does align, send me a screenshot of your review or rating to hello at jessmartincomau and I'll send you a copy of my ebook for free to say thanks.