Abundant + Aligned
Welcome to the Abundant + Aligned podcast. We welcome women who are ready to live the life of their dreams. Here, we talk all things mindset, manifestation and entrepreneurship. We are on a mission to create abundance in all areas of life and playing small just isn't our jam! So if you are ready to expand your mind to the possibilities, turn off autopilot and live with intention, you are in the right place! We are abundant and aligned.
Abundant + Aligned
The MOST POWERFUL morning routine to attract more success this year (what to do, when to do it and even what to use)
The power of morning routines - let's go!
In this episode, you will come to understand how your morning routine can significantly transform your life and make you a walking magnet to the money, clients and best case scenarios that are available right now (and that I know you desire more of).
I'm taking you through exactly what I do from the moment I wake up - including my mindset practices, the supplements I take, my workouts and most importantly, the timing for all of it - which is key!! (you'll come to learn why).
Here’s what I cover in this episode:
- Why reprogramming your subconscious mind is key to manifesting your desires.
- How brainwave frequencies impact your mindset practices (like affirmations and meditation) and how to work with them.
- The power of morning affirmations to shift your energy (and the perfect time to do them).
- Tips for creating a peaceful, inspiring morning space.
- The magic of meditation and visualisation.
- Journaling and future scripting to align your mind and energy with your goals
- Plus everything I use and where I got it from.
If you’re fully embracing your morning routine era, take a photo of your setup, share it on Instagram, and don’t forget to tag me! I’d love to see how this episode inspires your mornings. 💕
Download the 'I Am' Affirmations audio here.
Download my most popular guided meditations here.
Download the NEW free morning routine guide here.
Access the walking meditations here and here for you to save for your next walk.
Enrol in The Academy here and secure your spot for the 2025 cohort.
🔥 Enrol in The Academy - 4 month mentorship for women in business wanting to grow to $10K or $20K months
✨ Follow me on Instagram for daily mindset tips and lots of BTS content of my life (building a 7 figure business, living by the beach, my daily routines and travels)
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Welcome to the Abundant and Aligned podcast, a place where you will come to realize anything you desire is possible. I'm Jess mindset and business coach, and I'm on a mission to lead women to a life far from average. In this show, you can expect conversations around manifestation, subconscious reprogramming, entrepreneurship and the daily habits of a woman living a life that is both successful and fun. Imagine a TED talk, but over wine. My wish for you is that you experience an unlimited flow of money, a business that attracts your dream clients and the freedom to spend your time how you choose, and if you stick with me, that will soon be your reality. I'm honored to be on the journey with you, so let's get into it. Hello and welcome back to the Abundant and Aligned podcast. I hope you have tuned into our first episode, which was a bit of a new year pep talk, and it does lead us into today's episode. So if you do need to go back, maybe go and do that, because today's one is really getting into the practices and the routines that are going to support the goals that you have set for 2025. And, like I spoke about in that first episode, the 2024 version of you cannot achieve the 2025 goals that you have set and, I'm pretty confident, the goals that you've set. It's probably not the first time you've set these goals. You probably had similar goals in 2024, right, you've set these goals. You probably had similar goals in 2024, right. And the reason you didn't achieve them had nothing to do with what you were doing, like I know 2024, you worked really hard, you put yourself out there more on social media, you spoke more about your business, you sold your products more, you went to the networking events, you were doing the work, and you still didn't achieve the goals and, again, the activity side of things for you is probably spot on that. The only reason why they didn't manifest is because you aren't yet the version you need to be in order to be the vibrational match for the clients, the money, the, the opportunities, the collaborations, the success that you want to call in. So let's make 2025 different, not so much in terms of what you are doing, but the version you become this year and really approaching 2025 from a new way of being, as opposed to focusing so much on what more you can do.
Speaker 1:And so this episode is going to help you curate the most magnetic morning routine, and I have set goals this year to grow this brand and my business to seven figures. And with that, it requires me to be someone I've never been before. I've never made a million dollars in my business before not even close. I've been sitting at the dollars in my business before not even close. I've been sitting at the six figure mark. That's who I'm programmed, or that's the results that I'm programmed to create. So in order to hit the seven figure mark, I need new programming, I need an upgraded energy, and the most powerful period of your day to do that is in the morning. So this is literally what I've been doing every single morning to shift my energy, to reprogram my mind, to be comfortable and more familiar with the seven figure mark. And so, yeah, today's episode is literally just taking you through everything that I've been doing.
Speaker 1:This episode is going to go hand in hand with a new series that's coming up I did mention it in the last episode called the seven figure diaries, and the vibe of that is literally me just grabbing the mic and sharing my thoughts in terms of like what I'm thinking, what I'm navigating, the head noise that comes up when you are going for a goal like the million dollar mark, and how I'm navigating that. So those those episodes will go hand in hand with this morning routine, because a lot of those episodes probably will be recorded as I'm coming out of my morning routine typically, cause that's when I'm having a lot of my expansive thoughts. The downloads coming in, the nudges happen and, yeah, I want to fill you in on like what's happening up in my mind. And, of course, some mornings I wake up and I feel the complete opposite. Some mornings I wake up and I feel really separate to the goal, I'm doubting myself, I can feel my energy like depleted, and so I want to capture those moments and also share what those are in terms of thoughts for me, what that head noise is and, most importantly, like what I'm doing about it to get out of that funk and to ensure that my energy is aligned with million dollars the clients that are attracted like that come with that getting comfortable with that kind of money, um, and just normalizing a life where my business makes a million dollars a year.
Speaker 1:So this episode, like I mentioned, is about my morning routine. Um, some of this stuff you would have heard before, some things are new, but what this episode is going to share is not just what I'm doing, but like how I set my space up when I do these things, the actual products that I use. Um, because I love these kinds of episodes. It's one thing to hear someone say, do a morning routine, and it's another to know exactly what they're doing, the time of day that they're doing it, how they set up the environment to support it, and that's what this episode is going to be for you guys. I am also going to be releasing a free PDF document or like a blog post or something where I will link up a lot of the things that I mentioned in this episode, whether it's meditation and audio tracks that I have actually recorded with some new ones coming your way in the next couple of weeks or just like products that I buy that help and support my morning routine. So if you want a copy of that, just head across to my website and just download that free PDF or blog post or whatever it's going to be, and then you can actually click on links and go and buy what you need to buy and just see what I use for this morning routine.
Speaker 1:So before I move through and share exactly what I do for my morning routine, I do. Just want to remind you and if you are kind of new, you wouldn't have heard this before. If you have been around for a while, this isn't new for you. But remember, the most important time of the day to reprogram your subconscious mind which is what we want to do in order to be someone who can manifest the clients and the money that we want this year is first thing in the morning, and just as you go to sleep at night, and the reason for that is because of the way that your brainwave frequencies are. So we typically go through four different brainwave frequencies and on a chart it essentially goes from really fast, like heels that are really close together, to extended, slow, slower waves that are like stretched out a little bit more. Hopefully that's making sense in your mind.
Speaker 1:So you right now actually who knows when you're listening to this but when you first wake up in the morning and you're like just waking up and you're kind of like awake enough to say good morning to your partner and then begin getting out of bed, you're in what's called an alpha brainwave frequency and you also go back into that. Typically, unless you're quite an anxious person, you typically go back into the alpha brainwave frequency of an evening, like after dinner, when you're sitting on the couch you're reading a book, you're watching some telly, like you go back into the alpha frequency. When you are in a light sleep, you're in what's called a theta, and then when you're in a deep sleep you're in delta, and then throughout the day, when you're like going throughout your day, you're in typically a beta brainwave frequency. So we've got beta in typically a beta brainwave frequency. So we've got beta, alpha, theta and delta.
Speaker 1:Alpha and theta are the times of the day that we want to capture and utilize and take advantage of. Because your brainwaves are slower, we have an access point into the subconscious mind. So if you listen to affirmations in the middle of the day and you are in that beta brain wave frequency, what is probably happening is yeah, you can, you're listening to the affirmations, but they're getting stopped off by the conscious, logical mind that's saying that's not true, that's not who we are, you're full of shit. And so imagine it's like a gate in between the conscious mind and the subconscious mind, and the gate is up when you're in that beta brainwave, which is what you are in throughout the day, or even like after 30 minutes of being awake, especially once you've had a coffee. So we need to be mindful of. You could be listening to the affirmations or repeating your affirmations. You could be looking at your vision board, you could be reading a vision statement, but if you're not doing it during the alpha and theta brainwave frequency window of your day, it's getting blocked off by that gate and it's not actually making its way into the subconscious mind.
Speaker 1:And that's where we want this stuff to go, because we're reprogramming the subconscious mind just like we do with a computer. 95% of who you are is coming from that subconscious program and unless we are rewriting it during the periods that we can, it just simply doesn't work. So alpha is the important window we want throughout the in the morning, as you are just coming out of sleep, like you're still a little bit sleepy, you haven't really even got out of bed yet. Alpha is that window that we want to utilize in the morning. Theta we can optimize more at night because you can listen to a sleep meditation and have that playing as you drift off to sleep. But obviously, as you're coming out of a waking state in the morning, you have to be more awake in order to put the track on. So we'll talk more about the theta brainwave frequency in the evening routine episode.
Speaker 1:But for now I need you to know the moment you wake up in the morning, the first five to 10 minutes of your day is when we want to be doing these things. We want to capture that window, and so I'm going to tell you what to do during that window. But I just need you to know that you could have the most beautiful morning routine, but if it's four hours into your day it's not going to be as powerful. So make an effort this year to make more time for this stuff in the morning. And if you can only do the affirmations track, all you need is six minutes in the morning.
Speaker 1:I don't have kids and so I'm not in the best position to say surely you can do that with kids, but like, surely you can do that with kids, but like, surely you can do that with kids, surely you can just give yourself six minutes before you wake up. And if I don't know if your kids get up at 5 am in the morning which I know kids do I have clients with kids could you wake up at 4.45 and just give yourself this space, because I promise it's going to make the biggest difference in your life and, again, 2025 is about serious change. So just know that it is really important that you capture the first half an hour of your morning and that is really, really important the first half an hour from when you first wake up. Okay, so this is what I do. Literally, this is what I do. This is what I am doing right now.
Speaker 1:Of course, it will probably change throughout the year. Obviously, the week before my wedding, I probably will not be doing such an in-depth morning routine after my wedding, but this is what I'm doing right now and this is a very, very powerful morning routine. So take notes, give this a go, make tweaks where needed so that it feels really good for you. Of course, it's not going to be super easy, like if it requires you to get up a little bit earlier in the morning and that's not typically your cup of tea. Just remember, the purpose of this morning routine isn't just to make you feel better. You're literally reprogramming your mind, and your mind, specifically your subconscious mind, is what is creating everything in your life right now. And like, if, like, if. If I could say to you if you do this morning routine. I can guarantee you'll attract those clients. You hit 10 K months in the next few months. You will attract those collaborations and those opportunities. Would you do this? Absolutely you would. So I just want you to know, like that's, how powerful this morning routine is. I can make those guarantees to you if you do this properly. Okay, cool, let's get into it.
Speaker 1:So I wake up just when my body is ready to wake up. Um, and you can program your body to wake up at a particular time, obviously, just setting an alarm and maintaining that same time. Eventually your body clock will shift into gear and you will start to wake up at that time. I love to live by the circadian rhythm, so obviously going to sleep when it's dark, but then sleeping with my curtains open so that I wake up with the sun. So in Queensland the sun comes up at 4.30. So my body is starting to wake up. From like quarter to five, five o'clock I typically am like awake. Awake at six, but that's like an hour of my body like naturally waking up. So if you sleep with block out curtains and blinds, I'd recommend maybe getting some sheer curtains so you can let some sunlight through, so that you can give your body the opportunity to naturally wake up with the sun. Obviously, the time I wake up changes in winter because the sun comes up later, so in winter I usually get up at like 7am.
Speaker 1:Obviously, I have the benefit. I work for myself and my business is online, so I can start my day like 7am. Obviously, I have the benefit. I work for myself and my business is online, so I can start my day whenever I want. I appreciate not everybody's schedule is like that. Of course, if you would love a schedule like that, you know where to find me. I can help you create a life like that. But if you don't have that benefit like if you need to leave the house at 8am to drop the kids off at daycare, to get to work you might not have the benefit of allowing your body an hour to naturally wake up. But I will just say stop carrying around the identity that you're not a morning person and that you struggle to wake up in the morning, because if you believe that you will behave that way, so start to embody this identity. I love mornings.
Speaker 1:Waking up early is easy for me and watch your habits or your way of waking change a lot in the morning. So, waking up in the morning Now, when you start to wake up, you haven't even opened your eyes yet, and you're like starting to become a little bit conscious. What will usually happen for you is you start thinking about what you've got on that day, you start stressing about money, you start wondering when the clients are going to drop in, you immediately just hear your kids playing in the lounge room or your partner listening to a reel, and your mind is straight away on the external world. And the moment your mind is on the external world, you recreate that, and so that's why your tomorrow will look like your yesterday, if, the moment you wake up, you tune back into it.
Speaker 1:So what I want you to do, the moment you feel yourself starting to wake up, I want you to embody a practice that Dr Joe Dispenza teaches on, and it is be no one, nowhere in no time. So you want to remove yourself from your identity, remove yourself from your bedroom, remove yourself from this time, be no one, nowhere in no time, time, and what that's doing is shifting you to pure consciousness, and in that state, you are more energy than matter, and so what you want to do is get yourself to this feeling of like nothing. You're nothingness, you're just consciousness. You're just a vibrational frequency. You're not having having a thought. You're not who you are Like. I'm not Jessica laying in my bed in Queensland having these thoughts. I'm a nothing, I'm a pure consciousness.
Speaker 1:That takes a lot of practice. It's taken me a lot to get to the point where I can feel that, and it usually only lasts a minute or so. But if you can do that, it means you're taking back control of your thoughts, which means you're taking back control of what you're about to create in your day. Again, if the moment you wake up you plug back into yesterday, you recreate yesterday's experiences. So being so intentional with every thought you're having from the moment you wake up will mean that you're more intentional with what you're creating in your life. So that's literally as soon as you wake up. Now you're starting to wake up and you've opened your eyes at this point and you're well and truly up.
Speaker 1:I want you to roll over, grab your phone and hit play on the I am morning affirmations track, which I've linked below, literally. Make sure you do that straight away. Don't get up, don't brush your teeth, don't go get a coffee, don't do anything else. Roll over and put that on. It goes for six minutes and let that play for six minutes while you are kind of waking up properly and you're looking out the window and you're saying good morning or whatever you do first six minutes of your day. I like to just lay there, close my eyes, back down again and I just like snuggle back into my bed for another six minutes. And I just listened to this. I am affirmations track. It is so important that that is the first thing you listen to because, again, you are listening to this while you are still in that alpha brainwave frequency, which means while you're listening to that audio track, it's literally going into your subconscious mind and rewriting the program.
Speaker 1:Imagine a tape and you know, like an old, like um tape, what are they called? A cassette tape? When me and my sister were little, we used to record ourselves singing on the tape and then you could rewind the tape and then play something entirely new over the top and you could have so many different songs on this one tape because you just keep taping over it, recording over it. Sorry, that's what we're doing with your subconscious mind. We are recording over the old song that you and your sister just recorded into the tape. You're re-recording over the new sorry, re-recording over the old program, but it's so important that it's in that first six minutes of your day so that you capture the way that your brain is. If you do that, if you listen to this affirmations track at 12 pm, in the middle of the day, after you have lived half your day, that gate is up and you've missed the opportunity for this to access and get into the subconscious First six minutes of your day.
Speaker 1:Once you have listened to this once, okay, let's go back to, like, talking about my morning. So once I've listened to that, I then get up, I walk into the bathroom, I go to the toilet, I brush my hair, I tie my hair up, get it off my face. For some reason that just feels so good in the morning, like getting rid of your bed hair, um. And then I just splash some water on my face. I spritz my face with the rose water from karma, which highly recommend, the best way to start the day, and then I put some facial oil on and then I do a gua sha routine, so sculpting my face, lymphatic drainage. I take about five or so minutes to do that, and then I grabbed my dry brush and I dry brush for about 10, about five or 10 minutes. Again, that helps with lymphatic drainage, and I just got both of those from Priceline and the local chemist chemist warehouse or whatever it is. Again, I'll include the links for all of this stuff in that free PDF that you can download.
Speaker 1:So once I've gouached and I have completed my dry brush, then I start my meditation and journaling practice. So I'm really big on setting the space and setting the environment for this. If it means you need to clean your space or like pull the doona up so that it's nice and flat again, like do whatever, but a clean space will help with this. I also like to burn incense. The incense I buy is just from my local health food store and I like to get the sandalwood scent. So I will burn that and then I would jump straight into my meditation.
Speaker 1:Again, important that you do this closer to waking up than not, because of the way that your brainwave frequencies are. By this point you're probably well into alpha, maybe moving into a beta. But it's easier to get back into alpha if you've kind of just come out of it, as opposed to trying to do your meditation in the middle of the day, like I mentioned. If you are doing that and you find it difficult to relax and really get into the state that you need to be in in order to meditate properly, try doing it earlier on in the morning, while you are still a little bit sleepy, if you find you're falling asleep. This comes up a bit If you are doing it like first thing in the morning and you find yourself falling asleep sometimes.
Speaker 1:If I'm really really sleepy in the morning and I can feel myself like I know that I'm going to fall back asleep if I do the meditation, I will have like half a coffee and just get a little bit of caffeine in my system so that I'm not fully asleep, because we don't want to be fully asleep either. If you can get into a theta, which is a very light sleep like hypnosis, that is still okay, but you don't want to be fully back to sleep because then you're not listening or hearing and you want to be in some kind of conscious state, alpha or theta, not delta. So yeah, that's a little tip I can put in there. If you are very, very sleepy and you know you're about to fall back to sleep, have half a coffee or a fizz stick, which is a natural energy drink that you can get from Arbonne, and just have kind of something to just keep you in that more waking state but not fully awake. So yeah, then I do my meditation.
Speaker 1:So in terms of the meditation I do, it does change, um, sometimes I will visualize the dream home that I want us to buy, and I've got that scene so real in my mind. I can smell the house, I can feel the sun coming through the kitchen, I can feel my feet on the floor, like I've really mastered that scene, which you guys will come to do as well. Or I'll manifest sorry, visualize attracting in dream clients, um, or increasing my revenue, which, by the way, I do have a new meditation coming your way, helping you attract five figures in your business. So keep an eye out for that. But essentially the meditation practice I follow is to alter my energetic vibration and then visualize a scene, and that is called mental rehearsal, and I won't go into that heaps today. I do have episodes that talk about that. Actually I'll link it in the show notes.
Speaker 1:But mentally rehearsing a scene, when you have incorporated a lot of feelings and really brought in the five senses, your brain doesn't know the difference between a real life experience and a visualization. It thinks you're living out that scene for real and so obviously, repetition upgrades the neurological hardware in your brain, which means you become the version of you who has already lived out this scene. It's like you're recalling a memory and when you have the neurological hardware and you've upgraded energetically and you literally look like on a brain scan, energetically the version of you who has already bought the house, attracted the clients, hit 10K, then the things start to manifest into the physical. So visualizing is so, so, so important. There is an art, art to do it and I will link that in the show notes on how to do it properly.
Speaker 1:Um, but that's kind of the essence of my meditation altering my energetic frequency, so I feel like I already have the clients, the money, the home, and then visualizing, so walking through the scene and being there, looking at the scene through my own eyes. So I do a form of meditation. My meditations go for like 20 to 30 minutes, usually depends which one I'm doing, and then I will move on to a journaling practice. I let the journaling slide last year but I've really brought that back in this year. So the exercise that I do really does change depending on what I'm feeling on the day and what I feel I need. It will include a future scripting exercise where I am writing about a day in my life, in the dream life, as if it's happening right now. So writing it in present tense. I am I did, you know like writing as if it's actually happening now. That's an exercise I'll do, or I do the mirror method.
Speaker 1:So if I'm noticing patterns manifesting in my life so income fluctuating or sales objections, or clients defaulting on payments or content not landing in the way that I wanted to I will script about the experiences that I'm manifesting and then, on the other side of the paper, write what beliefs or assumptions I have within myself that are creating those experiences. Because, remember, everything we are experiencing in our physical reality is simply just feedback to a belief or an assumption that we have within ourselves. We are creating everything. Everything you see is literally just a reflection to you. So, instead of blaming the algorithm for why the content's not landing, have a look at what beliefs you have when it comes to, say, instagram, or your content or your worthiness. That's what's actually creating the outcome with your content. Or if you are having a lot of conversations in the DM with prospective clients and they are saying that they can't afford your coaching service or your product. Take a look at what beliefs you have around money or how you're also avoiding spending your money from fear and how that's being mirrored back to you. So that's the essence of the mirror method.
Speaker 1:Again, if you grab that free PDF, I'll go into a little bit more detail and include some journal prompts on these actual exercises and then I'll do a debunking exercise. So that is literally doing a bit of a brain dump on any limiting thoughts that I'm having, beliefs that I'm still noticing I'm choosing to believe and then flipping them. So literally flipping, say, a belief making money is hard to, money is always flowing abundantly to me, or I finding my dream client is really hard. My ideal clients are watching me and loving every piece of content I put out there already in my world, something like that. That's an example of debunking. Again, I'll include some journal prompts in that PDF. So just go and download that.
Speaker 1:In terms of what I use for my journal, I've actually just found a really cute one from Kmart and it's just an A5 brown journal. Of course it's brown, very on brand. I'm big on like having a nice journal, so go and buy yourself a new journal for 2025. I've only just bought this nice brown one from Kmart, so it's probably still there. Otherwise, I love Kiki K. They're my two go-tos for journals. Officeworks as well sometimes have nice ones. I'm always looking for brown, so Kmart recently has a brown one. Otherwise, I have got one from Officeworks before. So I have this beautiful, nice A5 journal that I use every day and that is for my journaling. So it's not just journaling, it's not for journaling and note-taking, it's actually just for journaling. And then I just have a nice pen that I sit with it, and at the moment I've got a Kiki K pen, so that's what I use for that. So I spend some time journaling. I always have some music playing, so I just use Insight Timer for some background music. You can create a playlist in Insight Timer, which I love, so you can just find some favorites and just have that playing while you journal. That will also give you a bit of a time like a timer, if you need that.
Speaker 1:And then, once I finished my journaling, I then moved through to reading out my vision statement. So your vision statement is a document that incorporates your goals, but again it's written in the present tense, as if you're already living the life where you have already achieved the goals. And so I've actually written my vision statement on some nice A5 200 gsm cream paper, just so it's a bit thicker and it's not going to rip. I got that from office works. It goes, it's across four pages and I just have that on my bedside table and I read that the most important thing when it comes to your vision statement is when you read it, feel into it. So don't just read the words, but feel like you are recalling a memory. You're reading about something you've already done or you are doing, and so in my vision statement I talk about the dream home, and so when I'm reading that sentence again, I tap into how does the floor feel beneath my feet? What does the sun feel like when it's coming through the kitchen window? What's the smell of this home Like? Bring the words to life and really show your body what it feels like. If that was true, that is so important. The feeling aspect to all of this work is the key to actually calling these things in. So, yeah, don't just sit and read it and then move on Like feel into every single word is really really important the emotional aspect.
Speaker 1:Then, once I finished my vision statement, I then pull a card. So again, I'll link this in the PDF. But I have the work, your light, oracle cards and I pull a card. Last year when I pulled a card, I would I always sit for a moment and close down my eyes and channel the energy into the cards to ensure that the one I pull is what I need today. Energy into the cards to ensure that the one I pull is what I need today.
Speaker 1:Last year I would kind of channel the universe like it was an external source to me and that still might resonate with you. You may not call it the universe, maybe you call it source or God or your angels, but you may have this feeling that the universe is this separate entity that's watching over you, guiding you, supporting you, and that has always resonated with me, up until like this Christmas break that I keep talking about, where I had the biggest breakthrough. I had this realization the universe is not separate to me. It's not this external source or God or it's not floating out into, it's not floating out in the ether like helping me. I am the universe, it is me, I am controlling all of it, and so what I've been doing with these Oracle cards is, instead of channeling this external source, I've been channeling versions of me who are already living the life that I want, and I've picked three versions of me from my future that I channel.
Speaker 1:The first one is me, who is living in this beautiful big home by the beach and she's in the kitchen making coffee and I channel her and I can really connect with her feelings and who she is and I ask her for guidance. There's another version of me who is in the Maldives with Bart and I'm sitting out on what would be like a front deck or a balcony, looking over the water, doing some work, having a coffee, and I channel her and I ask her for guidance. And then there's also a version of me that I've created that's actually only at the end of January and she's just achieved the revenue goal that I have for this month and she's celebrating at Local, which is a pub in Burley, and Bart is there, the date that I picked. My parents are up here, so they're also in the scene and we're having a drink and celebrating that revenue month, and so I also channel her. So I've been channeling these three versions of myself and really just getting guidance from them in terms of the card that I need to pull. And what's been happening is I pull two cards. So the version of me in the house and at the Maldives wants me to pick one card, and the version of me that's closer in quotes, closer to the current time, wants me to pick another card. And it's been really interesting because they have been quite different and it makes sense why the in quotes more future version of me wants me to know one thing and the in quotes closer version of me wants me to know something different. So that's a tip I have for you.
Speaker 1:If you do pull Oracle cards and you just kind of pull them for no reason, remember the intention behind these Oracle cards, and it is to get guidance from again, whether you choose the external source or from your higher self, a version of you that's already existing on another timeline, who already has everything that you want, and again, you have the ability to channel their essence, their resonance and get the guidance that they need from you, and it can come through in the form of this card. So give that a go and I love, I love this. I'm actually just looking at the two cards that I pulled yesterday. I don't have the book out so I can't actually read the actual meaning behind it, but on the front of the card it says you've been training for this for lifetimes. That's the one I pulled yesterday which I love. And then I also pulled another one, which was it's called the crumbling, and it says what are you clinging onto? And it was just about things that I need to let go of in order to step through to my next version and my next level. Um, so, yeah, again, I'll link that. I love, I love those Oracle cards. Um, okay, where I was able to I've lost my point. Um, okay, yeah, pull my card.
Speaker 1:And then, once all of that's done, then I go out into the kitchen and I have my morning supplements. So every single morning I take a greens powder and a pro and prebiotic. I get both of those products from Arbonne Again, I'll link those for you and they make me feel so good, they are so a part of my day. I never skip them and highly recommend, especially if you're someone who suffers from bloating, which I do. If I don't have these, I instantly get bloated. And then of course, the greens powder just gives you that serving of fruit and veg first thing in the morning. So I always do that. Then I'll just have some water and then I make a coffee.
Speaker 1:I love having my coffee first thing in the morning. We have the Breville Barista Pro coffee machine, so it's a proper bean coffee machine and I make myself a long black. And then I like to sit and enjoy my coffee. So instead of just sculling it like what Bart does if I make him a coffee, he'll literally just stand at the kitchen bench and scull it. I'm like enjoy the coffee. Like obviously we get it for a caffeine here. But also I love the taste of coffee and I just love the experience of sitting down and enjoying my coffee. So I never understand, but I guess that's probably just a guy thing anyway. So I literally sit and I enjoy every single sip of my coffee, especially the first one. Like I literally close my eyes and just sit and just taste it and enjoy it. Um, so my coffee is an experience and it's an enjoyable time in my day. So what I'll usually do is make my coffee and then I'll go and sit on the lounge and read my Kindle.
Speaker 1:I'll usually read a personal development focused book in the morning. I've been leaning on fiction books at night, which I'll talk about in the evening routine episode, but I do like to start my day with a personal development book, so I will drink my coffee while I read my book. At the moment I've been reading Bending Reality by Victoria Song. It's okay, I'll give it a go. It's not probably one of the best books I've read, but there's a lot of knowledge in there that has been good to know, so I will. I picked this up a couple of times, so I'm kind of back to reading that. That's what I'm reading at the moment. Once I've finished my coffee, that's when I'll check my phone. So I kind of didn't mention that this whole time.
Speaker 1:I have not checked Instagram emails, not even really text messages, because before I go to bed at night I put my phone on do not disturb and it stays on do not disturb until I finish at the gym. So if you are someone that's rolling over and scrolling Instagram straight away, remember that then becomes your focus point and that is then what you'll create throughout your day. So if looking at Instagram for you creates a feeling of comparison and not feeling good enough. You've just created that broadcast and now you're going to manifest situations and circumstances and results that are going to remind you that you are not good enough. Or if you open Instagram and you're just bombarded by negative news someone got killed in Melbourne at a random shooting. The LA fires, which you know I'm not disrespecting that it's so sad. Fires, which you know I'm not disrespecting that it's so sad.
Speaker 1:And, yeah, like praying, sending all of the vibes to everybody affected by any disaster, any bad situation, but choosing not to tap into that first thing in the morning is something you're allowed to do. It does not make you a bad person. It doesn't take away the fact that we have empathy for this suffering that everybody is going through, but it is just ensuring that your energy is aligned with positivity and feeling good, whereas if you start your day consuming negative news and information and now you feel really down and sad and depressed and therefore you're not going to put in your best work that day, which means you're not going to make a lot of money, you're no good to anyone from that place. You can do more good in this world the better you feel and the more money you're making. So just remember that. But yeah, I have not checked my phone throughout this entire time that I've just told you about. So that is a big recommendation I do have for you, but after my coffee I will take some time to check my phone. Have a little look on Instagram, celebrate the new followers that came through overnight, check some DMs, have a look how reels are going and feel really grateful for how they're performing, always approaching it from. It's more than enough. I'm so happy with the growth.
Speaker 1:And then I will get ready for the gym and then I will go and do a workout. So the workouts that I've been loving and doing lately a spin class at Therapy Fitness, fitness obsessed. If you live on the gold coast, I think they're only on the gold coast, actually, I could be wrong. Anyways, therapy fitness, if there's one in your area, go into a spin class. It's called a rhythm ride, so it's like a dance on a bike, so every single um press of the pedal is on the beat to the music and it's so fun. It's very, very hard, but it's really fun. So I've been doing spin class at Therapy Fitness and then Reformer Pilates. I've been doing well, actually only went to Pilates and Co. Yesterday I did really like that studio. I've also gone to some classes at Studio Pace, so that's where I've been doing my reformer lately.
Speaker 1:And then every now and then I go to Air Locker, which is a high altitude training gym. It's like HIIT workouts but there is like 10% oxygen in the room, so it's training and altitude. So I go to that every now and then or I'll just go for a walk along the beach and I will either listen to a podcast or I will listen to my walking meditation, which, if you do not have in your files on your phone, it's a good one. I'll admit it is a really good meditation. I've got two one to attract success and another to attract um, or just like to get you in a high vibe energy, just to feel positive and excited for your day. So, yeah, I rely on those when I'll go for a walk, um, and then on my way back from the gym or the beach, whatever I've just done for a workout, I will do my phone calls. So I'll call my mom or my sister if I need to and kind of just like have that social time on the way back from the gym so that that's done and then I can just like get into whatever I want to do that day.
Speaker 1:Um, so that's my morning routine. You may feel very overwhelmed by that, or you may feel like you have structure that you can now go through and follow. Either way, please, please, please, give this a go and know that again, it is more than just making you feel good in the morning. It's going to make you feel good. It's going to make you feel really, really good, but it's also going to reprogram your subconscious mind and upgrade your energy, which is key if you want to manifest the things that you want. So that routine that I just ran you through will check every single box when it comes to that Meditating, journaling, affirmations in the right time of the day, moving your body boundaries in terms of your phone, moving your body boundaries in terms of your phone supplements, how to drink your coffee, like, literally, that covers it all.
Speaker 1:So you do have a bit of a roadmap now. Like with anything, obviously, make tweaks so that it feels good for you. Um, like, I don't know what's an example. Maybe, maybe, maybe, maybe you hate the smell of incense, like okay, don't know what's an example. Maybe, maybe, maybe, maybe you hate the smell of incense, like okay, don't burn the incense. Or maybe you use a different product for your supplements, like keep doing that. Like obviously, you know, have your own little flair on this and your own little vibe.
Speaker 1:But as for what we actually do, like I mentioned affirmations, first thing, meditating, journaling the supplements working out. First thing, meditating, journaling, the supplements working out, like those foundational things, make a non-negotiable in your week. It doesn't have to be every single day, but in your week and you will notice the biggest difference instantly within your life. Okay, that's my morning routine. I thought I would, just before we wrap this up quickly, just run you through what I do in terms of a routine to start my work day. I'll just very briefly go through this because obviously everyone's work environment is different. What they do for work is different, so this will probably only really help those who kind of work in an office, whether that's a home office or you go into an office. But yeah, for those who are curious, I thought I would run you through starting my work day.
Speaker 1:So one thing I always do when I get home from the gym is I have a shower, do my skincare, all of the things, but I always put on a nice outfit, do my hair and makeup, and that's just something I do for a few reasons. One, well, one, like I, I love fashion, I love picking out an outfit, even if I'm sitting in my office all day. But two, and most importantly, it makes me feel better. It makes me feel more successful, it makes me feel more in line with that millionaire energy and I'm more inclined to get on and create content when I feel nice. So, energetically, it's a win. And then also, from a productivity point of view, I get more done if I am dolled up, whereas if I'm just sitting in my sweaty, sweaty gym clothes, my hair's a mess, you know, I don't feel the best. I find that I don't create much content. I don't really want to be on the camera, um, and I kind of just feel like shit all day and again energetically. That is not what we want. So I always, always get ready. I have been known to wear heels in my office If I need that extra boost of successful energy, um, so I always get ready.
Speaker 1:Recommendation I have for all of you and obviously, like, if you're not a makeup person, you don't have to start doing your makeup in order to attract more money in. What you want to channel is the version of you who is already making ten thousand dollars per month, or fifty thousand dollars per month, or a million dollars in your business. Whoever she is, channel her. How does she get dressed for the day? What does she do for her makeup? How does she do her hair? You know like what is she doing when it comes to those things and you want to start stepping into her shoes. So be the version of you, not the version of me, and whatever that looks like for you. Um, so after I'm ready, I then um while I'm getting ready. So after I'm ready, I then um while I'm getting ready. So while I'm doing my makeup or my hair, I listened to a podcast or a YouTube while I get ready. And that's like my opportunity, my window to learn something, educate myself, expand my mind on a particular topic.
Speaker 1:I then go out to the kitchen and I will, if I haven't had breakfast, obviously make my breakfast, which would usually look like a smoothie or a yogurt bowl, typically my go-tos. But then I make a fizz. I have this big cup and I put a energetic fizz energy fizz stick in there, which is from Arbonne, with a multivitamin soluble tablet thing which I get the boost brand and I make this. It's berry, and the fizz stick I use is also like I don't know, it's pomegranate, pomegranate fizz stick and a berry vitamin in like a one liter glass with lots of ice, cold water, glass straw and that's what I sip on for the morning. I love it, especially with this hot weather in Queensland at the moment. So I'll make my drink and then I'll go into the office Again.
Speaker 1:I love to set my space up and I like to have my environment feel nice. So I'll always clean up my desk if I need to clean up kitchen, if I need to like do a little clean of the house so it's fresh and feels nice. And then I'll burn a candle. Today I'm burning glass house. The smell, the scent is Kyoto, kyoto in bloom, k Y O TO in bloom. It's really good. So I've got that burning and then, once my space is set up, I will actually what I've been doing the last two days, which is has been really powerful.
Speaker 1:I'm addicted to my phone, so I've got to be really, really, really conscious that I'm not subconsciously picking my phone up and randomly scrolling Instagram, like it's actually scary how addicted I am to my phone. So I'm really trying to get that habit like stop that habit Anyway. So if my phone has to be in the office with me, I just have to like put it behind my computer. It's freaky. I will find myself, without even realizing, grabbing my phone and just scrolling on social media Like ew, I hate that for our generation so much. So, anyways, try and get the phone away from me. But the last two days I've been putting on focus music on YouTube Again, I will link that in that PDF and it's really helped. I found this morning I did about two hours worth of focused work and I did not even think about checking my phone. So give that a go. If you are distracted, easy. Um, having that music has just been really nice.
Speaker 1:So I put that focus music on and then I always start my day by writing a to-do list. I have an actual notepad. I still like to write these things out, and the notepad I'm using at the moment is actually from a networking event that I spoke at last year called Boss Babes and Bubbly. Hopefully there's another event this year coming, because it was a really cool event. So I'm using the Boss Babes and Bubbly notepad at the moment that Jordan hosted last year, and I'll just write a list of whatever I need to do that day. Of course, next to everything I put a box so that I can tick it off as it's complete. That feeling is what we want and I'll just write whatever I have on that day. Then I'll check my Google calendar. That's what I use for my calendar system. Everything is color-coded, split into different categories, and I can just have a look at what's coming up today or throughout the week and then I'll do my client check-ins. So have that client contact time before I get into deeper focused work.
Speaker 1:I won't go into this today, but my days are split up into categories. So Monday, for example, is content and marketing day. Tuesday is client meeting day. Wednesday now is her empire slash podcast day. So I do do that. Let me know on Instagram if you want me to do an episode in depth on that, but every day kind of has a theme. Um, but before I get into any of that themed work, I always do my client check-in. So I'll open up telegram and I will respond to messages from my clients, whether it's in her empire or the Academy, and, just you know, share my riffs, my pep talks, my tips before I get into my day, um, and then I'll usually do my Instagram story posting, so post some things from my morning. If I captured my morning routine, I'll post them. Then anything else I want to post on my story I'll do first thing in the morning and then I get into my day. So that's like a rundown of what I do to set up my work day and just some habits and routines that I have that make me feel nice when I'm working, maintain my productivity, avoid me checking my phone and, yeah, just create a bit of structure that really works for me. So there you go.
Speaker 1:This episode went for a lot longer than what I thought it would have, but, like I said, I love these really detailed episodes in terms of what do you do, but also what do you use and like where'd you get your notebook from, things like that. So hopefully you've enjoyed this. As I mentioned, make sure you go over and download that PDF document where you can get all the links, all the audio tracks that I've mentioned, and in there I'll also include the journaling exercises that I mentioned. So exactly how to do future scripting, what the mirror method is, the debunking exercise and I'll put some journal prompts in there so that you guys can actually work through those exercises yourself. So we'll leave it there.
Speaker 1:If you are really in your morning routine era, take a photo and put it on Instagram and make sure you tag me so that I can see your setup and what you're doing, and just know that you've been inspired by this episode.
Speaker 1:But yeah, I will scream it from the rooftops until the day I die.
Speaker 1:Morning routines are so, so powerful and that right there is a very, very powerful routine. So have fun with this, enjoy it, keep your head up to all of the incredible shifts and synchronicities that you will create almost instantaneously once you incorporate this, and I will talk to you guys next week for another episode. Bye, thank you so much for tuning into the podcast. I'm sure you're loving each and every episode and, if you are, I would be so grateful if you could take just a couple of minutes to leave your review and or rating. This allows me to connect with you as I read your comment or see the review, and it also allows me to grow the you as I read your comment or see the review, and it also allows me to grow the show, which means more impact, more powerful guests for you guys to learn from and more women changing their life for the better. If this does align, send me a screenshot of your review or rating to hello at jessmartincomau and I'll send you a copy of my ebook for free to say thanks.