Abundant + Aligned

The 7 Figure Diaries: Page 1 - Have you answered your deepest calling? And dealing with the head noise that comes when you decide to go bigger

Jess Martin

Welcome to the first episode of The 7 Figure Diaries—a raw, behind-the-scenes look at my journey to my first million in business. This segment is all about real-time reflections, mindset shifts, and the lessons I’m learning as I build my business with more flow, alignment, and ease.

In this episode, I dive into:
✨ Why I’m shifting how I build my business — leaning into more flow and alignment instead of forcing the results.
✨ My intention to be the top leader for women to manifest a life with overflow, luxury, and financial freedom.
✨ The “head noise” that creeps in when you decide to go bigger — the doubts, fears, and self-sabotage that try to hold you back.
✨ How I’m navigating the fears of success and stepping into my personal power.

This journey isn’t just about hitting seven figures—it’s about doing it in a way that feels good. Breaking free from traditional success narratives, I’m embracing a flowy, authentic, and deeply fulfilling way to create wealth. And I want you to know—it’s available to you, too.

Listen now and let me know—what’s the next level calling YOU?


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✨ Follow me on Instagram for daily mindset tips and lots of BTS content of my life (building a 7 figure business, living by the beach, my daily routines and travels)

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Abundant and Aligned podcast, a place where you will come to realize anything you desire is possible. I'm Jess mindset and business coach, and I'm on a mission to lead women to a life far from average. In this show, you can expect conversations around manifestation, subconscious reprogramming, entrepreneurship and the daily habits of a woman living a life that is both successful and fun. Imagine a TED talk, but over wine. My wish for you is that you experience an unlimited flow of money, a business that attracts your dream clients and the freedom to spend your time how you choose, and if you stick with me, that will soon be your reality. I'm honored to be on the journey with you, so let's get into it. Hi everyone, I'm not really sure when this will go live, so I'm not going to say happy new year in case. We've had a couple of episodes before this one goes live. I'm sitting in my office, very casual, very chilled. I have not really set up like I usually would for a podcast. I've just finished my breakfast, I'm sipping on my protein shake and I've just had a morning of huge realizations in terms of my business and also the way that I want to live life from here on out, and I had a thought to start documenting these thoughts on the podcast in a very casual, chatty way, as if it's like a diary entry, and I went into the bathroom, brushed my teeth, had a shower, got ready, did all the things, and then I had the idea to call this the seven figure diaries, because I am on my way to building to my first million dollar year, which is very exciting, but with that is a lot of inner work and really turning the dial up on that inner work, but also changing the way that I'm approaching my business and how I'm going to build to the million dollar mark. And I want these episodes to literally be a documentation in terms of what's going on in my brain and my mind and the thoughts that I'm having, the things that I'm doing and, like I said, not to sit here Like this won't be a super educational episode in terms of I've got my notes and quotes and tips and all of these things and journal prompts. It's literally just a brain dump with you guys, as if I'm doing a diary entry and I really just want these to be raw and straight off the back of me having these thoughts. So, like I mentioned, I've literally just got out of the shower, I just finished my breakfast and I'm sitting down to record this. So it's really fresh in my mind. So that's kind of the intention with these episodes.

Speaker 1:

I'm just going to grab the mic whenever I'm having a moment or a breakthrough or just something that I want to document and share with you guys. Because of that, they probably won't be filmed in video format. Sometimes they will be, maybe if I'm in the, in the, in the mood to record, but most of the time it's literally it's going to be me picking up the mic, Um, so maybe that will come from me in the car. Actually, I should start leaving a microphone in my car, um, to capture those moments. Sometimes maybe you'll even get them from the shower, because if you guys have followed me for a long time, you know that my biggest idea is I write all of my speeches for events in the shower. It's where I have my moments. So who knows, maybe you'll be coming to the shower with me. But this morning I just had the biggest breakthrough that I guess has been channeling through me for the last few weeks. I've just come off the back of a two week break and I took time off social media. I completely switched off from work and I really, really enjoyed it.

Speaker 1:

2024 was a massive, massive year, obviously so grateful for the numbers and the success and new clients that came in and so grateful for the momentum. But it was a big year and while at the time I was like hell, yeah, this is so good, like I'm loving the business, the momentum Every day I was in the office, dressed up, makeup on, recording, filming podcast interviews, doing events. I was doing everything and in that moment I was like, yeah, this is how I want to do business, this is how I'm building my empire. Until I had a break and I realized that's not really how I want to build success and I think 2024, it definitely needed to happen that way, for whatever reason. It was me riding the momentum and, I guess, trialing doing my business from that point of view, so it definitely needed to happen.

Speaker 1:

But I just had this huge realization that I really don't want to build success and I don't want to build to the million dollar year, doing it that way all the time. And while, yes, there is definitely going to be weeks where I'm in that mode, where I'm in the office and I'm, you know, I'm having these huge big days and I'm literally doing all the things and it's going to be weeks where I'm doing that and that's amazing. But I'm also stepping into this part that I should have done or it's the way I'm supposed to do business and that is creating so much success in the easiest flowiest way possible. And at the end of the day, coming back to my value, is freedom and time with family and with Bart and living my life, not working. And the cool thing and I guess I kind of forgot this for a little while the cool thing about my business model is I can create large amounts of success, so much money. Like I said, this diary series is building to my first million dollar year and that can be done while having the most fun life and all of this freedom to travel, to spend time with Bart, to have really solid boundaries, to spend hours in the morning just meditating and journaling and going for a walk and going to the gym and literally just embracing the slowness of life, but also making so many incredible memories, but also making a lot of money. And I was actually. I pulled a card this morning when I was doing my morning routine and I will share this tip with you.

Speaker 1:

But I channeled versions of myself from the future. So I channeled one version of myself who is living in my dream home on the beach. It has this beautiful big kitchen that when I walk into it, the sun just shines through the window and I can smell. You know how your house has a smell in summer Like I can smell that smell. I'm in my pajamas. I just woke up. Bart is there and we're standing at our huge big island bench. The sun is pouring in, the pool is just to the left, out the back, I can hear the birds, I can hear the water and we're making our morning coffee, and that scene to me is so real and concrete, so I channeled her.

Speaker 1:

I also have another scene where I am, which I actually shared on my Instagram this morning, where I'm working from a place like the Maldives. I haven't been to the Maldives, but I obviously know what the Maldives looks like, and so this is the scene where me and Bart are in the Maldives and I wake up and I walk out and I'm looking over the beautiful blue water. I sit in like this seat booth thing with my coffee and my laptop and I sit and I do work and clients are just flowing in and I'm well on my way to my million dollar mark. So I channeled that version of me, and then I also channeled a version of me who is only at the end of this month. So at the time of recording this, it is the 8th of January, and this version of me is it's the 28th of January. That date just popped into my mind and me and Bart are sitting at local, which is a bar here in Burley, and we're sitting there celebrating the month that was, and the month that was was a month that really, really turned around. And we're sitting there and we're cheesing and we're just feeling so abundant and excited and really just being like, oh my god, miracles do happen. Oh, oh my God, we really are in control of our results, and so that's another version of me, and so when I pulled the card this morning, I channeled these versions of myself, which is something that I've only just done. I guess, yeah, I guess.

Speaker 1:

Usually, when I pull a card, I ask for guidance from the universe. I asked for guidance from the universe, and this morning I was like the universe is me, we are the universe, everything is a reflection to our consciousness, and we aren't really giving our power away to this thing that's out there that we can't touch and feel like a God or you know some kind of spirit. We are creating everything based on our thoughts, our feelings, our focus. Everything is energy and therefore we have the power to create it all, and we aren't giving that power away to anything. We are the creator of it all, we are the universe.

Speaker 1:

And so I thought, well, in that moment, a way that really felt good for me was to, as I mentioned, instead of connecting to this like invisible force that I feel like I was relying on, I channeled versions of me existing right now, in future, on another timeline, in like in future timelines, living out these scenes already, and I channeled them and, anyways, it was really, really powerful for me and I closed down my eyes and I put my hands over my cards and I really just channeled those three different versions of me and I just asked like what card do you need me to pull today? Like what do you need me to know in this moment, right now, to get to where you guys are, to get to that house, to get to that Maldives scene, to get to just the end of this month, having earned the kind of money that you are earning. The version of me sitting at local and the card that I pulled was warrior woman, and I don't have the card in front of me, but there was a quote in there that really stuck out to me, and it was actually. There was two parts to this card that really stuck out to me. One was have you answered your deepest calling? And then the second part was a quote and the quote was I'm not afraid I was born to do this and reading that literally just created this massive shift inside of me.

Speaker 1:

I was like, oh my God, I have been building my business in a way that I'm not supposed to be building my business. I'm creating these incredible amounts of success but not fully aligned with how I'm supposed to be doing this. And, like I said, I'm so grateful for 2024 and, yeah, so much come from that year. But like I don't want to be making millions and millions of dollars in my business, but doing so sitting in this office five days a week, nine to five, glued to my computer, and feeling like that's the only way I can make money. Like that's why I left my job as a lawyer and I was kind of recreating that in my business, and this card reminded me that's not what I'm supposed to be doing and, even deeper than that, I'm not supposed to be representing that to you guys. I have literally been put here.

Speaker 1:

I was born to do this and that is to show you guys and be the light that we can have the most abundant life millions of dollars coming through our businesses every year, retiring our partners, so we can both have this freedom, providing so much luxury and support for our family, our loved ones. Like giving back to people because we live in a place of overflow, traveling but staying in places that are $3,000 per night and only flying first class, and being able to walk into Louis Vuitton or Chanel or Dior and just buying whatever you want and not ever having to check the price tag, literally every day, just feeling so safe and secure and, most importantly so, in control that we are the universe. We are creating everything and that's what I'm supposed to be doing, that's what I'm supposed to be leading you guys to and, yeah, like the biggest realization came over me today. So my road to the million dollar mark is, of course, going to involve a lot of aligned action. You know I'm not pulling back in terms of the tasks that light me up in my business.

Speaker 1:

I love my podcast, weekly episodes. I'm here for it. I love showing up on social media every day on my stories, posting reels, posting content. I'm still doing that. I love my emails. I'm still doing that, but I'm doing it from this place of alongside living this incredible life. So while I, like I said before, doing all of that, but from this incredible hotel or villa in the Maldives, or doing this while sitting on a first-class flight, or doing this literally just sitting in my swimmers, out in my backyard, I just got back from a swim. My morning routine went for four hours and now I'm going to sit and show up and create from that place and just making the creation of success easier and more flowy.

Speaker 1:

And I actually heard a quote the other day and it said wait, I'm going to butcher this. It was stream, uh, stream, slow, wait, slow. Streams flow, but also so do rapids, or something like that. It was like rapids also flow, streams also flow. So I guess that is definitely not what the quote was, but what it was trying to say is like just because you're living in a place of flow doesn't mean it's going to be slow. You can still live in a place of flow and being so much momentum, in so much momentum, create so much success, make so much money. And that's what I'm here to create. That's the way I'm building to my million dollar year and that's what I'm here to help all of you do. Having this life that is so luxurious, so free, so fun, so easy, so flowy, but also making so much money that overflow is our normal. We never, ever, have to check our bank accounts to make sure we have enough money, or we never have to sit around or experience the feeling of waiting for clients to drop in or for sales to come in. This flow is endless and it is so supportive of the life that we are here to have. And that is overflow freedom, fun moments with our loved ones, doing things that we love, even if it's not in quotes, productive, or bringing in money according to the molds or the way that we think we should be making money. You know doing those things more often and knowing that when you do, you're going to make so much money.

Speaker 1:

Of course, with all of this, there is a lot of head noise happening in my mind right now that every day I am dealing with it is this constant back and forth between what I think I should be doing in order to build my million dollar year and that is quite similar to what I did last year glued to my computer in my office all day, dressed up, makeup done, you know, while I do, do that from a place of it makes me feel good, so, like I will continue that, but you know what I'm saying. It's not like this masculine structure, so, but I'm like you know, I'm going back and forth between that and then also like being this, like flowy person that is traveling and, you know, creating content by the pool in my swimmers, and again just like representing this, this wildly abundant, flowy, easy, freedom-based life. Um, I'm constantly going back between that and it's like so many fears are coming up in terms of, yeah, but like I haven't seen it done that way before, does it? Can it really happen? And of course, that's coming from, like my programming, from what I saw my dad do to create success, but also the programming in society in general, like we are conditioned to believe that in order to create success and have a lot of money, we need to be working hard, we need long days in the office, we need to sacrifice, we need to prioritize working over doing things we love. That's our conditioning, and so it makes sense that I've got these fears of like can it really be done a different way? And, of course, deep down, I know this because there are versions of me right now living that out and I can feel them, I know they are, and so it's about channeling them more often and being with them more often, as opposed to the conditioning and the programming.

Speaker 1:

And I put that to test this morning. Like I mentioned, I pulled a card and I was like oh okay, maybe I can pull a card for my clients and my community and my followers. What does that need to be? And I closed down my eyes and I channeled what you guys needed to hear and what this card should be. And I pulled a card and it was again. I should have pulled it out for you guys, but when I was reading it, I then felt this sense of like, oh sorry, I read the card and then I started creating a story based on the card, and then I experienced this sense of resistance and I was like no, like they don't actually need to hear that today, or you aren't actually supposed to create that story, and the old me would have just kept creating the story because it's like, well, I need to create the story. I said I was going to pull a card and put it on my story and so I have to do it.

Speaker 1:

But I had this moment where I stopped. I'm like, okay, why does this not feel right? Why is there resistance around this? And I sat and I probably sat for like five minutes with my eyes closed, really channeling, like why does this feel off? Which is something that I want to continue with questioning things instead of just doing things and really making decisions based on a feeling, as opposed to just like well, you should do it Like it's work, keep going. You did it yesterday, so you got to do it today. So I sat and I channeled and I was like, why does this feel off? And it's like that piece of content was being created from a place of desperation isn't the right word, but convincing. So at the moment, I am filling the final spots for my business mastermind. The academy is also open and clients are flowing into my world, but there are still spots to be filled and, of course, I'm here to inspire you guys to make these expansive moves and get into my world because, like, the energy that is being created in my world right now is insane, and like the cool thing about being in my mastermind right now, or the academy, is, you're a part of this building to the million dollar year. You're a part of what I'm actually doing every single day, the thoughts that I'm having, the shifts that I'm making, the routines. You're a part of all of it. So, everything aside, like it's a really powerful time to be in my world.

Speaker 1:

But back to this story. What I realized is I was creating this story and it was coming from a place of convincing people to get into her empire or the academy and almost not making them feel bad for not making that decision. But what's the right word? Not pressure, not forcing? I guess, like, without even trying to make sense of the feeling it was, creating this piece of content was to, yeah, I guess, like convince people and to put some pressure on them, I guess. And then what I realized is no, the version of me who is already making a million dollars, the version of me in the house, the version of me at the mail dives, the version of me sitting at local. She doesn't create content to convince people or force people. It's never from a place of desperation, it's only ever from a place of hey look, this is possible and therefore I want it for you and being open to them, just dropping in. So, instead of forcing and convincing, they and she is open and they just drop in and, of course, like content needs to be created from that place.

Speaker 1:

But in that moment, doing that story wasn't coming from the latter energy, the latter feeling. It was coming from the former feeling of like I'm only putting this post out to convince people and convincing energy is no longer a part of who I am, it is no longer a part of my brand and in saying that, it never really has been like, if you've had any interaction with me in my world, you know that, like I do not convince you to do anything, I empower you, I inspire you, but I do not convince you because, at the end of the day, you are strong enough, you're capable enough to make your own decisions and I know you'll know when it's the right time to be in her empire or the academy and while it's not going to feel comfortable and it's going to stretch you. You will still know when the right time is here and it's not my job to tell you that. My job is to show up for you and have my door open for you and show you the possibilities when you do work with me. But I'm never here to convince and, yeah, so, like literally stopping myself in my tracks this morning, of like I'm not putting this piece of content out because of the energy it came from and just stopping it and leaving it there. I then walked away when I made my breakfast and then I put up a post on Instagram just kind of sharing what I did this morning and I'm like that that is from the higher self, that is, from the versions of me who are making a million dollars already and living in that house and working from the maldives and, even more recently, sitting at local celebrating my biggest income month. Um, so I'm definitely going to be doing more of that.

Speaker 1:

Instead of just working and checking things off and putting things out because that's what I did last year and it worked last year i'm'm really stopping myself, closing down my eyes and asking the version of me who is already making a million dollars and she's living in that beautiful big home and Bart no longer has to go to work and we're sitting by the pool and we're listening to the birds and we can hear the ocean and clients are constantly flowing in. Would she do this right now? Would she put this piece of content out? Would she be doing it from this kind of energy? And if the answer is yes, continue.

Speaker 1:

If the answer is no, channel what she will do, tune into her and I guess, to wrap up like this diary entry, start channeling your versions as well, like there is a version of you right now living everything that, living out everything that you desire, whatever that is for you, whatever that future is for you, she is already existing, living it every single day. To her, it's not a goal To her, it's not on the pedestal. To her, it is a real, tangible reality. The one that you're in right now feels like that for her. So close down your eyes and channel her energetically, tune into her. What are you thinking? What do you need from me in order to get there? What would you be doing in this situation? What decision would you be making? And then act accordingly? And, like I mentioned, that he's going to bring on a lot of head noise, because I'm experiencing that right now.

Speaker 1:

But we have a decision to either keep being the old version of us, playing into the old patterns and producing those same results, or trusting that we have all the control, trusting that everything is energy, trusting that there is a different way, that you need to be doing this and, the moment you do, everything is going to take off. And going back to that card that I pulled this morning have you answered your calling or are you still trying to play into this mold that isn't really for you? It wasn't the one you're supposed to be living in. Are you still making decisions based on shoulds and past experiences and old, limiting beliefs, or are you stepping into this version of you that has so much faith, who believes in endless possibilities and who has decided that she gets what she wants? Life gets better and better, and every decision leads to expansion. Not like not or. It will be uncomfortable, but leads to expansion, not scarcity, not more lack, not, you know, more roadblocks Like. Life isn't supposed to be so hard and full of so much struggle, but we need to live, no longer allowing that and no longer tolerating that. So that's going to wrap up this diary entry.

Speaker 1:

Hopefully you guys have loved this style of podcast. Like I said, it's just going to be a brain dump of my thoughts where I'm at what I'm doing on my journey to my first million dollar year this year. And, yeah, expect it to be either crisp from my microphone, like you can hear now, or maybe from the car or, yeah, like I said, maybe even from the shower. I love you guys. I believe in you so much. We're here to build a life that isn't for everyone, but just remember what were you born to do. I'm gonna leave it there.

Speaker 1:

Bye-bye, guys. I'll talk to you soon. Thank you so much for tuning into the podcast. I'm going to leave it there. Bye-bye, guys. I'll talk to you soon. Thank you so much for tuning into the podcast. I'm sure you're loving each and every episode and, if you are, I would be so grateful if you could take just a couple of minutes to leave your review and or rating. This allows me to connect with you as I read your comment or see the review, and it also allows me to grow the show, which means more impact, more powerful guests for you guys to learn from and more women changing their life for the better. If this does align, send me a screenshot of your review or rating to hello at jessmartincomau and I'll send youa copy of my ebook for free to say thanks.